First Aid Guide for Season of Discovery (SoD) Phase 6

First Aid Guide for Season of Discovery (SoD)

Phase 6 of Season of Discovery retains the 300 skill cap introduced in Phase 3 for professions, allowing players to max out their crafting and gathering skills in case they haven’t already done so. For the First Aid profession, that means you’ll be able to make even the highest level bandages and venoms.

First Aid Leveling & Trainers

Check out our Classic First Aid Guide for trainer locations, a leveling guide, and more. We also have a Cloth Farming Guide. Everything in those guides applies to Season of Discovery. So far there have been no changes to the First Aid skill in SoD except for the level requirements for higher skill ranks (level 26 for Expert and level 41 for Artisan).

Learning Artisan First Aid

From Phase 3 onward, players were able to level their professions all the way to 300 skill, or Artisan level – the maximum skill for Vanilla WoW.

To reach 300 in the First Aid skill you’ll first need to complete the Triage quest to learn Artisan First Aid. Here’s how to start the quest:

Completing the quest requires saving 15 patients before six of them die. Stand near the middle of the room where you can quickly reach all of the patients. You’ll get a special bandage item that you must use for the quest – it’s a good idea to add this item to your action bar/hotkeys. This quest teaches you the real process of triage, and as such you should prioritize treating the wounded in order of severity: Critically Injured first, then Badly Injured, and Injured last.

Turn in the quest to learn Artisan First Aid. The same NPC will also teach you Heavy Mageweave Bandage, Runecloth Bandage, and Heavy Runecloth Bandage when your skill is high enough.

Phase 6 First Aid Recipes

A new First Aid recipe has been added in Season of Discovery for Phase 6! The manual for Dense Runecloth Bandage can now be bought from vendors in Silithus.

All of the existing recipes from Vanilla WoW have been left unchanged. Here are all of the First Aid recipes that are available in Phase 6:

Formula: Powerful Anti-Venom
Requires Honored with the Argent Dawn
Sold by:
Argent Quartermaster Hasana in Tirisfal Glades
Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock in Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Quartermaster Lightspark in Western Plaguelands
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen in Dustwallow Marsh
Doctor Gregory Victor in Arathi Highlands
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen in Dustwallow Marsh
Doctor Gregory Victor in Arathi Highlands
Taught by:
Wow Alliance Crest Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen in Dustwallow Marsh
Doctor Gregory Victor in Arathi Highlands
Manual: Mageweave Bandage
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Deneb Walker in Arathi Highlands
Balai Lok’Wein in Dustwallow Marsh
Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage
Sold by:
Wow Alliance Crest Deneb Walker in Arathi Highlands
Balai Lok’Wein in Dustwallow Marsh
Any First Aid Trainer
Any First Aid Trainer
Any First Aid Trainer
Any First Aid Trainer
Any First Aid Trainer
Any First Aid Trainer


About the Author


Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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